Thursday, 31 July 2014

English Exercises for 4th Grade Students

Name           : ……………………………..
Class/ no      : IV A/ B/ C …………

Study these exercises.
Read the text carefully then answer the questions number 1-5.

My Birthday Party

My name is Jannie. Today is my birthday. My parents will hold a birthday party for me. I am very happy. I will wear a beautiful dress and some accessories on my birthday party. There is a strawberry cake with some candles. I invite my classmates. They sing a Happy Birthday song and give me prize. 
1. Who will have a birthday party today?
2. Is Jannie happy on her birthday party?                      
3. What will Jannie wear on her birthday?             
4. Is there a pan cake on the party?                       
5. What will Jannie’s classmates do in the party?      

Study this dialogue then answer the questions number 6-10
Nina   : Hi, Ren how are you?
Rendi : I am fine, thanks. What about you?
Nina   : I am very well.
  I will invite you to my 10th birthday party.
Rendi : well, when is your birthday party?
Nina   : It is on May the 11th. 
Rendi : Is it tonight?
Nina   : Yes, you are right. I hope you can come.
Rendi : Sure, I will come. I will give you a special gift.

6. Who will hold a birthday party?                         
7. When is Nina’s birthday?                                  
8. Does Rendi hold a birthday party tonight?
9. Who invites Rendi?                                           
10. What will Rendi give to Nina?

-         Kerjakan di buku tulis
-         Selanjutnya terjemahkan teks dan dialognya ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Simplified The Hare and the Tortoise for kids

The Hare and the Tortoise

      A hare one day made himself merry over the slow pace of the tortoise, vainly boasting of his own great speed in running.
      The tortoise smiled at the hare and replied, “Let us try a race. We shall run from here to the pond and the fox out yonder shall be the judge.”
      The hare agreed and away they started together. True to his boasting the hare was out of sight in a moment. 
      The tortoise jogged along with a slow, steady pace, straight towards end of the course. Full of sport, the hare first out ran the tortoise, and then intentionally fell behind chuckling at the tortoise all the while.
      Having come nearly to the goal, the hare began to nibble at the young plants. After a while, the day being warm, he lay down for a nap, saying: “The tortoise is behind me now. If he should go by, I can easily enough catch up.”
      When the hare awoke, the tortoise was not in sight. Running as fast as he could, the hare found the fox congratulating the tortoise at the finish line.


Read the Text.


My name is Khadijah. I am grade six.  Every Sunday, I get up at half past four in the morning. After get up, I must make my bed then pray Subuh. I usually have jogging with my father and my brother on Sunday morning. Jogging makes us healthy. I love it.
In the afternoon, I usually plant some flowers first, and my father plants a tree in the garden. I help my mother to sweep the yard and water the flowers. After finishing all, I take a bath, then I watch television. I have dinner at seven o’clock. After that, I have study the lesson until nine o’clock. I go to sleep at nine o’clock.

I.   Find the meaning of these difficult words.
Example:   grade = kelas, tingkatan

1.    Every Sunday  = ………………………………
2.    Get up              = ………………………………
3.    Make                = ………………………………
4.    Usually            = ………………………………
5.    Healthy           = ………………………………
6.    Plants              = ………………………………
7.    Help                 = ………………………………
8.    Sweep              = ……………………………..
9.    Water              = ……………………………..
10. Watch             = ……………………………..
II.     Answer the question based on the text above.
1.    What is the writer’s name?
2.    Does she get up early every Sunday morning?
3.    What does she do after get up?
4.    What does her father do in the afternoon?
5.    What time does Khadijah go to bed?

Jenis-jenis Batik

Jenis-jenis Batik

Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis batik beserta ciri-ciri dan cara pembuatannyanya.
1.     Batik Tulis
·        Caranya dengan menuliskan malam menggunakan canting.
·        Proses pewarnaannya diulang-ulang.
·        Pembuatannya lama antara 3 sampai 6 bulan
·        Harganya mahal
2.     Batik Cap
·        Caranya dengan di cap menggunakan canting cap yang dibuat dari tembaga berukir.
·        Pembuatannya lebih cepat.
·        Harganya murah
3.     Batik Printing
·        Caranya dengan disablon
·        Pembuatannya lebih cepat dan harganya murah.
·        Contoh batik printing adalah seragam sekolah.
4.     Batik Kombinasi
·        Dibuat dengan cara batik tulis dan cap
·        Kain dicap lilin batik lalu ditambahi isen-isen. Penyempurnaan motif secara tulis tangan.
·        Pembuatannya lebih cepat dan harganya murah.
·        Tampilannya sangat bagus.