Tuesday, 2 September 2014

How to Make Simple Introduction Paragraph Using Supporting Paragraph

Making simple introduction paragraph using supporting paragraph 1 and 2.

Introduction                            : Taman Pintar is My Favorite Place
Supporting Paragraph 1          : Place of Education
(Examples)                              : Improve knowledge by visiting memorabilia building and oval  
  building, planetarium, etc.
(Reasons)                                : In memorabilia, we can understand about the history of
                                                  Kasultanan Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta’s kingdom).
                                                  In oval building, we can understand the science and its
                                                  implementation in our live.
(Personal Story)                      : One day I visited memorabilia building, there I see the
                                                  miniature of Javanese house and its part. 

Supporting Paragraph 2          : Family Recreation Place
(Example)                                : Playground
(Reason)                                  : The children can play in the playground and enjoy many
                                                  games, such as see saw, slide, swing, etc.
(Personal story)                       : Last month I went Taman Pintar with my children, they
  played see saw, slide, swing, and other games happily.

Conclusion                              : Taman Pintar is my favorite place because of its education
                                                  place and family recreation place.
                                                  We can get both knowledge and entertainment in this place. 

Taman Pintar is My Favorite Place

Taman Pintar is one of my favorite places. It is located in the center of Yogyakarta. This park combines both education and recreation. This is a useful public place.  
Taman Pintar can be used as an education place. It has several building such as memorabilia building, oval building, PAUD (early childhood education) building and planetarium. We can improve our knowledge by visiting those places. For example, in memorabilia building, we can learn about the history and culture of Kasultanan Yogyakarta, the history of education, and presidential library. In oval building, we can find so many kind of zone such as communication and technology zone, illusion tunnel, agricultural zone, dome area zone, etc. That knowledge can be implemented in our live. One day, I visited memorabilia building. I see the miniature of Javanese house and its part. It is very unique.
            Taman Pintar as a family recreation place. We can find playground there. The children can play in the playground and enjoy many games, such as see saw, slide, swing, flying fog, etc. Last month I went Taman Pintar with my children. My daughter played see saw, slide, and swing happily. My son played flying fox to try his bravery. They looked enjoy the game.
            From the explanation above, we can conclude that Taman Pintar becomes my favorite place because it can be used as an education place and as a family recreation place. We can get both knowledge and entertainment in this place.

School Activities as a Principle

School Activities as a Principle

Principle as a leader in an institution engaged in education has a main job and function. It should be done to get an optimal result. The main jobs and functions as a principle at Muh. Bantul Kota elementary school are:
1.    As a teacher (in term of educator)
I teach six hour in a week. I teach social for class 6 A and B. Besides that,  a principle also has a duty to build teachers in order to be able to teach/work professionally.   
2.    As a manager
As a manager, I try to manage the implementation of the work plan which had been arranged before, and motivate all the teachers and staff to be able to work optimally. A principle shared out all jobs to all her lines. But, I still keep looking and guiding unless they understand.
3.    As an administrator
     As a principle, I have to acquire so many aspects such as:
-                   Teaching and learning activities and counseling administration
-                    Students administration
-                    Personal and staff administration
-                   Finances administration
-                   Infrastructure administration
-                  Treatment administration   
4.    As a leader
As a leader, I must have a power to move and affect all school personal to work effectively and efficiently. I think breaking through the limit in order to create a creative thinking to bring the school in success condition. In this case, I make a branding for my school “MUBATA SEKOLAH PARA JUARA” (MUBATA SCHOOL OF THE WINNERS). It means that, basically every child is a winner. It is according to their talent, want, and intelligent.  
5.    As a supervisor
A principle has monitoring and building teachers especially related to teaching and learning activities in the class in order to run as a planning and the goal can be achieved effectively and efficiently. 
6.    As an innovator
A principle must think in progress and adaptive toward social changing. Therefore, I always search and find a new idea and also do a renewal in MUBATA.
7.    As a motivator
A principle has enough techniques to move and to motivate teachers and staff. In this case:
-                     Regulate work environment (physic)
-                    Regulate work situation (non physic)
-                   Apply reward and punishment principal. 

MC Wisuda Basa Jawa

Bahasa Jawa adalah salah satu Bahasa Daerah yang sangat unik dan rumit, karena memiliki tingkatan atau unggah ungguh dalam mengkomunikasikannya. Berikut ini adalah contoh penggunaan Bahasa Jawa untuk MC acara wisuda. Silahkan mempraktikkan ya.....
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Panjenenganipun Bapak Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Dasar Kabupaten Bantul ingkang satuhu kinurmatan,

Panjenenganipun Bapak Ketua Pimpinan DDaerah Muhammadiyah kabupaten Bantul ingkang dhahat kinurmatan,

Bapak kepala UPT PPd Kecamatan Bantul ingkang saestu kulo hormati

Bapak Ketua Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah Kecamatan Bantul ingkang kulo hormati

Bapak kepala sekolah saha Bapak/Ibu Guru, karyawan/karyawati SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota ingkang kinurmatan
Bapak saha Ibu saking lare-lare kulo  kelas VI ingkang kulo hormati.

Bapak saha Ibu para tamu undangan ingkang kulo hormati.

Keparengo kulo ing mriki ingkang sampun kapiji. Supados nderekaken lampahing adicoro seremonial wisuda, SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota taun pelajaran 2011/2012 ing dinten meniko.

Wondene, lampahing adicoro wisuda sak mangkih siswa siswi kelas VI badhe dipun sebat naminipun.

Ingkang dipun winisuda langkung rumiyin, inggih meniko siswa siswi ingkang pikantuk prestasi inggil. Ingkang sak mangkih badhe dipun sarirani panjenenganipun Bapak. Drs. H. Sahari, M.Pd.
Sumonggo dhumateng Bapak Drs. H. Sahari, M.Pd. kasuwun tumuju wonten sasono wisuda.

Wondene, siswa-siswi ingkang pikantuk prestasi inggil, inggih meniko :
Setunggal                            Wahida Putri Nurul Hafizah
Putra estri Bapak Fuad Mushoffa
Kaping kalih                        Nada Violia Pramitha Nashri       
Putra estri Bapak Sriyanta, Sarjana Pertanian
Kaping tigo                          Nur Mutia Mayangsari
                                                Putra estri Bapak Sukamto
Matur nuwun dhumateng Bapak Drs. Sahari, M.Pd ingkang sampun amisuda siswa siswi ingkang pikantuk prestasi inggil

Siswa siswi sanesipun badhe dipun wisuda dening Bapak Kepala Sekolah SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota.
Sumonggo dumateng Bapak Drs. H. Sutapa, M.Pd kaaturaken tumuju wonten sasana wisuda.


Matur nuwun dhumateng Bapak Drs. Sutapa, M.Pd ingkang sampun amisuda siswa siswi SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota.
** *
Bapak/Ibu ingkang kulo hormati
Mekaten wau menggah adicoro wisuda siswa siswi SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota sampun kalampah kanthi sae.
Ing mbok bilih anggen kulo derekaken lampahing adicoro wisuda saking purwo, madya, lan wusananipun kathah kalepatan saha kekirangan, saking kulo pribadi nyuwun agunging pangapunten.

Wekdal kulo konduraken dumateng pranata adicoro.

Wusana kulo akhiri Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.