Tuesday, 2 September 2014

School Activities as a Principle

School Activities as a Principle

Principle as a leader in an institution engaged in education has a main job and function. It should be done to get an optimal result. The main jobs and functions as a principle at Muh. Bantul Kota elementary school are:
1.    As a teacher (in term of educator)
I teach six hour in a week. I teach social for class 6 A and B. Besides that,  a principle also has a duty to build teachers in order to be able to teach/work professionally.   
2.    As a manager
As a manager, I try to manage the implementation of the work plan which had been arranged before, and motivate all the teachers and staff to be able to work optimally. A principle shared out all jobs to all her lines. But, I still keep looking and guiding unless they understand.
3.    As an administrator
     As a principle, I have to acquire so many aspects such as:
-                   Teaching and learning activities and counseling administration
-                    Students administration
-                    Personal and staff administration
-                   Finances administration
-                   Infrastructure administration
-                  Treatment administration   
4.    As a leader
As a leader, I must have a power to move and affect all school personal to work effectively and efficiently. I think breaking through the limit in order to create a creative thinking to bring the school in success condition. In this case, I make a branding for my school “MUBATA SEKOLAH PARA JUARA” (MUBATA SCHOOL OF THE WINNERS). It means that, basically every child is a winner. It is according to their talent, want, and intelligent.  
5.    As a supervisor
A principle has monitoring and building teachers especially related to teaching and learning activities in the class in order to run as a planning and the goal can be achieved effectively and efficiently. 
6.    As an innovator
A principle must think in progress and adaptive toward social changing. Therefore, I always search and find a new idea and also do a renewal in MUBATA.
7.    As a motivator
A principle has enough techniques to move and to motivate teachers and staff. In this case:
-                     Regulate work environment (physic)
-                    Regulate work situation (non physic)
-                   Apply reward and punishment principal. 

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